

There are several common sleep disorders, including insomnia, restless leg syndrome, narcolepsy, and sleep apnea. These disorders can significantly impact various aspects of one’s life, such as safety, relationships, school and job performance, cognitive functioning, mental health, weight, and the risk of developing diabetes and heart disease. The quality and quantity of sleep play a vital role in one’s quality of life. 



Insomnia & Sleep Apnea are totally different disorders. Insomnia is the inability to fall asleep whereas Sleep Apnea is a condition that causes disrupted breathing during sleep.

The sleep apnea treatment in viman nagar pune includes, for milder cases of sleep apnea, your doctor may only recommend

  • lifestyle changes, such as weight loss or no smoking.
  • If you have nasal allergies, your doctor will recommend treatment for your allergies.

If these measures do not improve your signs and symptoms or if your apnea is moderate to severe, a number of other sleep apnea treatment are available.

  • Certain devices can help open a blocked airway.
  • Therapies such as continuous positive airway pressure, using supplemental oxygen, adaptive servo ventilation.

Surgery is the last option when all other sleep apnea treatments fail to cure. Surgical procedure includes

  • Tissue removal, tissue shrinkage
  • Jaw Repositioning
  • Implants
  • Nerve stimulation
  • Tracheostomy (creating new airway passage)
  • Weight Loss surgery (bariatric surgery)
  • Surgery to remove adenoids.

Sleep Apnea


Unmasking Snoring Treatment: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Snoring, a common sleep-related issue, can disrupt sleep quality and affect overall well-being. Understanding its causes, symptoms, and treatment options can lead to effective solutions:

Snoring Causes:

  1. Nasal Congestion: Blocked nasal passages due to allergies or infections can lead to snoring.
  2. Obesity: Excess weight can contribute to narrowing of the airways and snoring.
  3. Sleep Position: Sleeping on the back can cause the tongue and soft palate to collapse, obstructing airflow.
  4. Alcohol and Sedatives: These substances relax the throat muscles, increasing the likelihood of snoring.
  5. Anatomy: Certain anatomical factors, like a deviated septum or enlarged tonsils, can lead to snoring.
  6. Aging: As people age, throat muscles may become weaker, leading to snoring.
  7. Sleep Apnea: Snoring can also be a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea.

Snoring Symptoms:

  1. Loud Noises: Intense and noisy breathing during sleep is a common snoring symptom.
  2. Daytime Fatigue: Snorers may experience daytime sleepiness due to disrupted sleep.
  3. Restlessness: Frequent awakenings during the night can lead to restlessness.
  4. Witnessed Apneas: Bed partners may notice pauses in breathing followed by loud snoring.
  5. Difficulty Concentrating: Poor sleep quality from snoring can affect cognitive function.

Snoring Treatment:

  1. Lifestyle Changes: Losing weight, avoiding alcohol before bedtime, and changing sleep positions can alleviate snoring.
  2. Nasal Strips: These adhesive strips can open up nasal passages for better airflow.
  3. Oral Appliances: Custom-fitted devices reposition the jaw and tongue to prevent airway blockage.
  4. CPAP: Continuous Positive Airway Pressure machines can help keep airways open during sleep.
  5. Surgery: For severe cases, surgical options like uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) or genioglossus advancement (GA) may be considered.

Individualized approaches based on the cause and severity of snoring can lead to improved sleep quality and better overall health. Consulting a snoring specialist doctor is essential to determine the most suitable treatment plan.

It is always advisable to receive immediate medical attention.



Insomnia, a common sleep disorder, can be effectively treated using various therapies. One of the most recommended therapies is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). CBT focuses on identifying and addressing negative thoughts and behaviors that contribute to insomnia. This therapy employs several strategies to help individuals gain control over their sleep patterns.

Stimulus control is a technique used in CBT that involves creating a positive association between the bed and sleep. This may include establishing a consistent bedtime routine, avoiding stimulating activities in bed (such as watching TV or using electronic devices), and getting out of bed if unable to sleep.



sleep related problem


Remaining passively awake is a technique where individuals are encouraged to stay awake and avoid trying to fall asleep actively. This helps in reducing anxiety and frustration associated with difficulty falling asleep.

Light therapy involves exposure to natural or artificial light to regulate the body’s internal clock and improve sleep-wake cycles. This can be particularly helpful for individuals with circadian rhythm disorders.

These are some of the strategies used in CBT for insomnia treatment. CBT is considered the first-line treatment for insomnia due to its effectiveness in addressing the underlying cognitive and behavioral factors that contribute to sleep difficulties. It is usually delivered by trained professionals, such as psychologists or sleep specialists, and can be tailored to individual needs for optimal results.


Dr. Anup Bhoyar – Panel Consultant – Sleep Disorder Specialist

(Ruby Hall Clinic, Jehangir Hospital, Sathe Hospital – Pune)

Dr Anup Bhoyar is one of the best sleep disorder specialist in Pune and is associated with many top hospitals in Pune.

With a wealth of experience, Dr. Anup offers comprehensive care and personalized treatment plans to enhance his patients’ well-being. As an accomplished sleep specialist doctor / insomnia doctor / sleep apnea doctor / snoring doctor specialist in Pune, Dr. Anup is committed to providing top-tier medical solutions for various sleep disorder concerns. Patients can trust Dr. Anup’s specialized knowledge and compassionate approach to their healthcare needs. Dr Anup is associated with Olive Health Care Clinic as a sleep disorder specialist in Viman nagar, Pune. He is also associated with Shree Vishveshwar Clinic as a sleep disorder specialist in Kharadi, Pune. If you are looking for sleep specialist doctor near me or insomnia doctor near me or sleep apnea doctors near me or snoring doctor specialist near me, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.



The answer varies considerably across age groups—and from person to person. For most adults, 7 to 8 hours a night appears to be the best amount of sleep. However, infants generally require about 16 hours of sleep per day, while teenagers need about 9.

  • Snoring
  • Overweight
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Acid Reflux
  • Physical abnormality in nose(deviated septum), throat or upper airway including small airway or large tonsil, uvula, or tongue size
  • Neck size (usually 17” or larger in men or 16” in women)
  • Genetics

Untreated sleep disorders can negatively affect your physical and emotional health. Sleep testing can help you get the answers you need to receive the treatment you deserve.

Snoring occurs when there is an obstruction of airflow through passages at the back of the mouth and nose. The obstruction causes negative air pressure, which leads to vibrations of the soft tissue. The sound that these vibrations cause is called snoring.

Tags – Insomnia Doctor in Pune, Sleep apnea Treatment in Pune, sleep apnea Specialist in Pune, Insomnia treatment in Pune, sleep disorder treatment in Pune, Sleep apnea Treatment near me, Sleep apnea Treatment in viman nagar, sleep disorder specialist doctor in viman nagar, snore treatment in pune, sleep apnea treatment in kharadi, pune, insomnia treatment in kharadi, pune, sleeping disorder doctor in kharadi, pune, sleep specialist doctor near me, insomnia doctors near me, sleep apnea doctors near me, snoring doctor specialist near me