


Allergies occur when your immune system reacts to foreign substances that enter your body. This reaction triggers the production of antibodies by your immune system. In the case of allergy treatment, the immune system produces antibodies that recognize a specific allergen as harmful, even if it is not. When the allergen comes into contact with the body, the immune system’s response can result in inflammation of the skin, sinuses, respiratory tract, or digestive system.




Varied individuals experience diverse allergies, and here are several types of allergies outlined below.


 Allergic Rhinitis also called Hay Fever may Lead to:

  • Frequent Sneezing
  • Itchiness in the Nose, Eyes, or Mouth
  • Congested or Runny Nose
  • Eyes Becoming Watery, Red, or Swollen (Conjunctivitis)

A Food Allergy Could Result in:

  • Tingling Sensation in the Mouth
  • Swelling of Lips, Tongue, Face, or Throat
  • Development of Hives
  • Onset of Anaphylaxis

Insect Sting Allergy Might Trigger:

  • Significant Swelling (Edema) in the Area of the Sting
  • Generalized Itchiness or Hives Across the Body
  • Symptoms like Cough, Chest Tightness, Wheezing, or Breath Shortness
  • Anaphylactic Reactions

A Drug Allergy May Elicit:

  • Appearance of Hives
  • Skin Itching
  • Rash Formation
  • Swelling of the Face
  • Occurrence of Wheezing
  • Potential Anaphylaxis

Atopic Dermatitis, Also Known as Eczema, Often Presents:

  • Persistent Itchiness
  • Skin Redness
  • Flaking or Peeling of the Skin

Each type of allergy can manifest differently, affecting various parts of the body and resulting in a range of symptoms. Recognizing these signs is crucial for timely diagnosis and appropriate management to ensure an individual’s well-being.



If you’re noticing any of the subsequent indicators or symptoms of allergies, seeking guidance from an allergist is advisable:

  • Sudden outbreak of a rash on your skin
  • Skin appearing red, inflamed, and itchy (such as eczema and hives)
  • Experiencing seasonal nasal congestion and hay fever
  • Frequent occurrences of asthma attacks
  • Sensitivities to certain foods
  • Unusual physical reactions to specific triggers


Diagnosis Process – In order to determine the presence of an allergy, your healthcare provider will typically undertake the following steps:

  1. Thorough Questioning: Your healthcare professional will inquire in-depth about the symptoms you’ve been experiencing and their patterns.

  2. Physical Examination: A comprehensive physical examination will be conducted to assess any visible signs or reactions related to allergies.

  3. Symptom Diary: You might be requested to maintain a meticulous diary detailing your symptoms and potential triggers. This diary aids in identifying patterns and possible connections.

For Food Allergies:

  • Diet Diary: If you’re suspected of having a food allergy, you may be advised to maintain a detailed record of the foods you consume.

  • Elimination Inquiry: Your provider might ask if you’ve ceased consuming the suspected food during the allergy assessment process.

Additionally, your healthcare provider could suggest one or both of the subsequent tests. However, it’s important to note that these allergy tests can yield false-positive or false-negative results.

  1. Skin Test: A small amount of common allergen proteins is pricked onto your skin. An allergic response could lead to the development of a raised bump (hive) at the test site on your skin.

  2. Blood Test: Known as specific IgE (sIgE) blood testing, this method often referred to as radioallergosorbent test (RAST) or ImmunoCAP testing, gauges the quantity of allergy-triggering antibodies (immunoglobulin E or IgE) in your bloodstream. A blood sample is sent to a medical laboratory for examination, aiming to identify potential allergen sensitivities.

These diagnostic procedures, backed by medical expertise, contribute to a comprehensive understanding of your allergy status. It’s important to note that while these tests offer valuable insights, their results should be evaluated alongside clinical judgment to ensure accurate conclusions.

It is always advisable to receive immediate medical attention.

Allergy Treatment in Viman nagar Pune

Dr. Anup Bhoyar – Consultant Panel Pulmonologist
(Ruby Hall Clinic, Jehangir Hospital, Sathe Hospital – Pune)

Dr Anup Bhoyar is one of the best allergy specialist in Pune and is associated with many top allergy hospitals in Pune.

With a wealth of experience, Dr. Anup offers comprehensive care and personalized treatment plans to enhance his patients’ well-being. As an accomplished allergist / immunologist, Dr. Anup is committed to providing top-tier medical solutions for various allergic and immunological concerns. Patients can trust Dr. Anup’s specialized knowledge and compassionate approach for their healthcare needs. Dr Anup is associated with Olive Health Care Clinic as an allergy specialist in Viman nagar, Pune. He is also associated with Shree Vishveshwar Clinic as an allergy specialist in Kharadi, Pune.

Dr. Anup’s proficiency extends to diverse areas including Allergy treatment, Asthma, Allergic Rhinitis, Behavioral Disorders, and various types of allergies. Dr. Anup possesses advanced training and a wealth of experience to accurately diagnose your allergic condition. He formulates personalized allergy treatment and management plans, aimed at improving your well-being and enhancing your quality of life. In case you’re grappling with allergic symptoms, securing an appointment for allergy testing and treatment with Dr. Anup Bhoyar is highly recommended.



Despite its frequency and wide-spread reach, unfortunately allergies cannot be cured. But, allergy management is possible. It is important to note that allergy medications do not cure the allergy itself, they only ease the allergy symptoms. Sure, it may take some hard work and commitment, but with proper care and precaution, one can control the allergy symptoms and lead a normal and healthy life.

There are various prescription safe & non-sedative antihistamines like Fexofenadine, Loratadine, etc, decongestants and allergy shots for allergy management. For more information about allergy treatment visit doctor today.

While most common mild allergy symptoms can be treated and managed, in case of an anaphylactic shock, one needs immediate medical attention as it can cost them their life.

Allergies are classified into two categories- IgE mediated and non-IgE mediated.

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